Part of Speech Wortart vrsta r(ij)eči
N Noun Substantiv imenica
V Verb Verb glagol
A Adjective Adjektivprid(j)ev
P Pronoun Pronomen zam(j)enica
R Adverb Adverb prilog
S Adposition Präpostion pr(ij)edlog
C Conjunction Konjunktionveznik
M Numeral Zahlwort broj
I Interjection Interjektionuzvik/usklik
Y Abbrevation Abbreviatur skraćenica/kratica
Q Particle Partikel r(ij)ečca/čestica

Art Type Gender Number Case Definiteness CliticAnimate Owner_NumberTyp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c: common
p: proper
m: material
l: collective
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
l: collective
s: singular
p: plural
d: dual
p: paucal
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
v: vokative
i: instrumental
l: lokative
n: no
y: yes
n: no
y: yes
n: no
y: yes
s: singular
p: plural

Art Type Vform Tense Person Number Gender VoiceNegative Definiteness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
V: Verb
m: main (Hauptverb)
a: auxiliary (Hilfsverb)
o: modal
c: copula
b: base
i: indicative
m: imperative
c: conditional
n: infinitive
p: participle
g: gerund1 (presens)
w: gerund2 (perfekt)
u: supine
t: transgressive
q: quotative
s: subjunktive
p: presens
i: imperfect
f: future 1-SR
w: future 1-HR
q: future 2
s: past (perfekt)
l: pluperfect 1
t: pluperfect 2
a: aorist
1: first
2: second
3: third
s: singular
p: plural
d: dual
l: collective
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
l: collective
a: active
p: passive
n: no
y: yes
n: no
y: yes
s: short_art
f: full_art
2 1s2s
Clitic Case Animate Clitic_s Aspekt Courtesy Transitive Destruktion Str. Typ
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
n: no
y: yes
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
v: vokative
l: lokative
i: instrumental
x: illative
2: inessive
e: elative
4: translative
5: abessive
n: no
y: yes
l: collective
n: no
y: yes
p: progressive
e: perfektive
b: biaspectual
n: no
y: yes
n: no
y: yes
n: no
y: yes

Art Type Degree Gender Number Case Definiteness Clitic Animate Typ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f: qualifikativ
r: relativ
m: material
s: possessive
o: ordinal
m: numeral
p: positiv
c: comparaive
s: superlative
e: elativ
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
s: singular
p: plural
d: dual
p: paucal
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
v: vokative
i: instrumental
l: lokative
n: no
y: yes
n: no
y: yes

Art TypePerson Gender Number Case Owner NumberOwner Gender CliticReferent Type Sintactic TypeDefiniteness Animate Clitic_s Pronoun Form Owner Person Owner NumberWh Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
p: personal
d: demonstrative
i: indefinite
s: possessive
q: interrogative
r: relative
x: reflexive
z: negative
g: general
y: interrogative,
j: definite
t: demonstrative,
1: first
2: second
3: third
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
s: singular
p: plural
d: dual
c: paucal
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
v: vokative
l: lokative
i: instrumental
s: singular
p: plural
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
n: no
y: yes
n: nominal
a: adjectival
r: adverbial
n: no
y: yes
- - - - -

Art TypeDegree Clitic Number PersonWh Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g: general
z: negative
a: adjectival
v: verbal
q: interrogative
p positive
c comparative
s superlative
e elative
- - - -

Art TypeFormationCase Clitic
1 2 3 4 5
p: preposition
t: postposition
s: simple
c: compound
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
v: vokative
i: instrumental
n: no
y: yes

Art Type Formation Coord_Type Sub_Type
1 2 3 4 5
c: coordinating
s: subordinating
s: simple
c: compound
p: sentence
w: words
z: negative
p: positive

Art Type Gender Number Case FormDefiniteness CliticClassAnimate Owner Number Owner Person
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12
c: cardinal
o: ordinal
m: multiple
l: collect
s: special
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
r: masculine and neuter
s: singular
p: plural
d: dual
u: paucal
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
v: vokative
l: lokative
i: instrumental
d: digit
r: roman
l: letter
- - -
n: no
y: yes
- -

Art TypeFormation
1 2 3
s: simple
c: compound

Art TypeFormation Clitic
1 2 3 4
Q: Particle
z: negative
q: interrogative
o: modal
r: affirmative
s: simple
c: compound
n: no
y: yes

Art Syntactic Type Gender Number Case Definiteness
1 2 3 4 5 6
n: nominal
r: adverbial
m: masculine
f: feminine
n: neuter
s: singular
p: plural
c: paucal
n: nominative
g: genitive
d: dative
a: accusative
l: lokative
i: instrumental